Keeping Up With Danny: School Events

Today, at school, we did this AMAZING, and horrible thing at the same time. But first, let me tell you a story.

A few years ago, someone in canada was bullied. For what? For wearing pink. Apparently it is socially unacceptable to wear pink in public when you are a guy. We all have these stereotypes, but this is ridiculous. So one day, his good and real friends wore pink to protest this. This is how the movement began.

My school was one of the first, if not the first to start this event called Pink Tsunami. We all decorated our rooms with pink and only pink with inspiring messages to not only stand up for this kid who wore pink, but to stand up against bullying. This is incredible, especially for a public school. But unfortunately, it seemed more like a contest for best room than standing up against bullying. What do you think? Did you do this at your school?

Keeping Up With Danny: What goes around comes around?

Does karma exist? We all know that saying, what goes around comes around, but is it true? To me, it is not true. There is not much justice in the world, and Black Lives Matter is one of the countless examples. We see all these things that people do to us and we say “what goes around comes around” but for the families in “black lives matter”, it does not. Lives are already lost and hearts are already broken. Do you think karma exists?


Keeping Up With Danny: Is every life worth the same?

When we see famous people like Robin Williams commit suicide, we are deeply heartbroken. But what some of us do not realize is that many other people are committing suicide each day. Why do we value celebrities’ lives more than a “regular” person’s? It seems nowadays, we only care about the celebrities who’s lives are lost. In this way, do all lives really have the same value?

Keeping Up With Danny: What is Comedy?

Nowadays, we see comedy as mocking people, and that just shows how much this world has changed. We perceive insults as jokes. This is not right. We just do not consider feelings nowadays, and showing feelings, especially for men, is a sign of femininity and weakness. We see this especially in school, where a lot of students are very ignorant of each other. We need to rethink how we act, no only as a person, but as a community and as society.


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Keeping Up With Danny: Be Yourself?!?!?!?!

Nowadays, it’s common for people to say “be yourself” and “be unique”. But I have one question. How? I know this might seem like an easy question to answer, but hear me out. How do you be yourself without being ridiculed. People say “oh you just want attention”. When you blend in, people say you are boring. So can we really be ourselves nowadays without being hurt? It’s so tempting to blend in or stand out, but there are so many consequences to that.

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Keeping Up With Danny: Watch Your Mouth!

This is related to my last post. If you have not seen it, here’s the link: Why don’t people think before they speak? We have made it so acceptable to say “go kill yourself” and other things like “you’re worthless” or “piece of sh*t”, and this makes me so sick. Why don’t people think before they speak? This world would be such a better place if they did. It’s absolutely unacceptable. People actually commit suicide because of the power of words. People need to learn that your words have lots of power and that everything you do has a consequence. I can not stress this enough, and if they do not take it seriously, many more will kill themselves.

Suicide prevention lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK(8255) or

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