Keeping Up With Danny: School Events

Today, at school, we did this AMAZING, and horrible thing at the same time. But first, let me tell you a story.

A few years ago, someone in canada was bullied. For what? For wearing pink. Apparently it is socially unacceptable to wear pink in public when you are a guy. We all have these stereotypes, but this is ridiculous. So one day, his good and real friends wore pink to protest this. This is how the movement began.

My school was one of the first, if not the first to start this event called Pink Tsunami. We all decorated our rooms with pink and only pink with inspiring messages to not only stand up for this kid who wore pink, but to stand up against bullying. This is incredible, especially for a public school. But unfortunately, it seemed more like a contest for best room than standing up against bullying. What do you think? Did you do this at your school?