Keeping Up With Danny: My Experience With Bullying

Hi, this is my story on bullying. It all started when I was relatively young, in fourth grade. When it happened, I did not think much of it because I did not know what bullying was. Anyways, one day, our class took a field trip to a library not too far from our school. We were playing in a nearby park. Our school was pretty small, and our classes even smaller. We probably had 15 kids in it. So they went on to play games like tag, etc. They left me out. I just sat there alone. After this, we went back to class and the teacher discussed the situation. I was heartbroken. This was when the name calling and the fighting occurred. A fight with myself and with others. I started believing all those mean words and I thought it would never end. To this day. I still believe this, mainly because it still happens. And I got into a physical fight in 5th grade. This led to even more seclusion and eventually I had no friends in elementary school. But thank god we had to switch from elementary and middle school. Problem was, most of the people in my school were in my middle school. Eventually, after a couple months, I had made friends. Life was great, right? Oh what a fool I was, because high school was right around the corner. None of my friends came to the same high school as me. I was basically the kid in the park alone again. I had to get new friends. Eventually I did, but I wouldn’t exactly call them real friends. I could not trust any one of them. I thought they were my friends, but they turned out to be people who just used me for homework, a human punching bag (literally and figuratively) and they stabbed me in the back way too many times. I really do not know why I hung out with them. They were horrible people. I guess I just wanted to be accepted like I was in middle school. I even almost committed suicide because I just could not trust anyone, I was used too many times, and I thought the world would be better off without me. I had even been encouraged to commit suicide. Now comes present day, sophomore year in high school. I have let most of those people go, and now I am working on letting the others go. I have found a few people I could trust and I can’t say everything is all good, but I can not say everything is all bad.

I am not the only person who lives this way. Tormented by the names we got called, used as a punching bag, and stabbed in the back too many times. We wonder what the world would be like if we were gone. We wonder, if we were gone, if people would take back all those nasty things they have said and done over the past days/months/years. But I am here to tell you, and it might be cliché, but IT REALLY DOES GET BETTER. It may not be in a day, it may not be in a month, it may not even be in a year, but eventually it does, and you want to be there when it does. As i said before, I cant say everything is good, but everything isn’t all bad either, because I stayed alive.

Suicide Hotlines : 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2344) & 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)

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6 thoughts on “Keeping Up With Danny: My Experience With Bullying

  1. Hi Danny – I was bullied from 2nd grade on, and adulthood really is so so much better! glad to hear you are making friends who you can tust –do you feel like you have a good support person in your life (family member or friend or teacher/coach?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi! I just started to read your blog recently. Have to say that I like it! Even I’m older, I like to hear other life stories. Well.. I have never felt this ‘bullying’ activity from others. When I went to school in each class I was always in the ‘middle’ – not who others bully nor that who is ‘popular’. Somehow I adapt oneself to be as a friend to ‘both sides’ – those who feels brave enough to humiliate others, as well as those who are more weak, silent. Probably because of trying to ‘survive’ these teenage years, because, I’m in deep thoughts that this period of life is a shit. Seriously. Starting from what’s happening in school till what’s happening in your mind. So, I think that each of us has appeared thought to commit suicide (at least once). But for you it was harder and even I haven’t felt bullying actions, I have got through this problem because of my cousin who was bullied by others. And I know what kind of consequences it leaves.. So, you’re brave! If you need someone with whom to talk, don’t hesitate to contact me. I like to talk a lot and if it’s necessary to help others. Have a nice day!

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